A Gift of the Darkest Magic Read online

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  “Now, how about I sample one of these lovelies? I’d love to be the first.” He smiled wickedly at the sisters. His eyes flared red as if someone had ignited a fire behind them.

  “To taste them, they only want one payment, under the table,” Tiffany said weakly.

  Jimmy turned his attention back to her, curiosity written on his face. “They need vampire blood to heal someone very ill. Give them a few drops and they’ll let you drink. A gift in exchange for the gift of the darkest magic. You’re young, but your blood should be strong enough, right?”

  “Depends what is making the friend sick. I’m not sure management would be very happy

  with you right now, sweet thing.” He looked warily at them all, as if they were narcs ready to bust him.

  “You won’t say anything, right? Please, Jimmy. Her husband is dying of cancer. He’s a

  good man.”

  Jimmy’s eyes narrowed. “Cancer is tough. You’d need more than a few drops of my

  blood.” He looked over his shoulder, paranoid. “Do you have a syringe? I’m taking a pint from each of them.” He licked his lips, smiling.

  The sisters sat immobilized, terrified of what he wanted, but too close to achieving their

  objective to back out now. Suddenly, the curtains flew open. Two very angry security guards,

  their red eyes labeling them clearly as vampires, glared at Jimmy.

  “Fuck. I knew this was too good to be true. I can’t believe you set me up, sweet thing. I

  thought you felt something special for me.”

  “I didn’t set you up. I think we’re all fucked.” She looked at the sisters. “I’m sorry.”

  The regret in her friend’s voice tore at Clarissa’s soul. They’d made a mistake coming

  here. Whatever would happen next wouldn’t be good. The scratchy sound of a radio drew

  Clarissa’s attention. One of the vamps grabbed Jimmy while the other unclipped his radio.

  Strange words in a foreign language came over the speaker.

  “Yes, My Lord,” answered the vampire. “We’re to bring them before His Lordship,” he

  told his fellow guard.

  The vampire holding Jimmy unceremoniously pulled him from the small room. The other

  A Gift of the Darkest Magic


  guard gave Tiffany a deadly glare. “Come, all of you.” He glanced at the sisters.

  The three women stood. “Don’t try to run. You’ll be dead before you reach an exit,”

  Tiffany warned them.

  Dead before you reach an exit. The words echoed loudly in Clarissa’s mind. The worst

  part of dying—she was leaving Matt to suffer his last days alone. Her daughters would be

  orphans. She woodenly followed the vampire, clinging to her younger sister. Tiffany followed

  behind them, her head held high, but her expression remained fearful.

  A Gift of the Darkest Magic


  Chapter 4

  They walked into the loud music and flashing lights of the club. It was very loud. Clarissa

  glanced around. She could get lost in the fray and try to make it to the door, but she couldn’t leave her sister. She’d never be able to live with herself. Tiffany had taken a big risk in trying to get them the blood, she couldn’t leave her behind either, and there was no way all three of them would make it out.

  As dancers glanced her way, she saw the red flare of their reflective eyes. Vampires gave

  her hungry looks from every corner. The thought of them falling on her and devouring her as a group sent chills down her spine. She decided she’d face the man they called ‘Lord Drago’ and pray he’d have compassion.

  The strobe effect from the lights and unnaturally fast gyrations of the dancing vampires

  only heightened her fear. Five human women sat on a bench together, looking dazed. Armed

  guards stood on either side of the couch. She knew they’d be no help if she cried out. Those must be the chosen few who would leave believing they’d had the time of their lives.

  She bumped into a dancing leather-clad man. His green eyes suddenly flared red. He

  hissed at her and she stumbled. Tiffany caught her and helped her regain her footing. The guard turned and glared at the women. He led them around a corner and up a flight of stairs. Two

  massive looking metal doors waited at the top. He opened one of them and held it, ushering the women inside. The space was very dark, only a few candles in wall scones gave it light. Clarissa could make out the shape of a large chair, one that reminded her of a throne in the middle of the space. She took a few steps inside.

  “How dare you betray us, donor,” accused the unseen male voice.

  Caren squeaked with fear, and Clarissa put her arm around her sister.

  “I’m sorry, My Lord,” Tiffany mumbled contritely. “I was only trying to help my


  “Now you’ve killed them and yourself. Is this how you wanted to help, by leading them

  to death?”

  “No, please no,” Tiffany cried, her voice breaking.

  Out of the darkness, a man moved toward them. He seemed to belong to the shadow,

  sleek and predatory. His body blended into the darkness as if it were made of the night. He wore A Gift of the Darkest Magic


  black jeans and a black t-shirt that clung to him like a second skin. His body was nothing but muscle, and his face was that of an archangel. Clarissa gasped. She’d never seen such a beautiful man. His dark blond hair was a bit on the long side and slightly curly, it gave him an almost angelic appearance. His bone structure was amazing. A male model would have sold his soul to

  Satan to look half as amazing. Unable to help herself, Clarissa wet her lips and sighed. If this was death, he was beautiful.

  The man’s shrewd eyes snapped to hers, and for a moment, she stared into the amazing

  dark brown orbs, mesmerized. She could’ve stared at this man all day, only he wasn’t a man, he was a monster who wanted to kill her. That thought pulled her out of the unnatural fixation. She shook her head as she tried to dislodge the cobwebs his handsomeness had created. The

  archangel gave a bark of laughter and his eyes softened a moment as he looked at her. He pulled his attention away from Clarissa and glared menacingly at Tiffany.

  “No one will find your body. You’ll die, but not in the bliss, they’ll unleash what they

  truly are and you’ll feel the true nature of what it means to be vampire,” he decreed.

  “Nooo,” Tiffany wailed. The guard had to hold her to keep her from falling to the ground

  as her legs gave out from under her. Caren began to cry quietly. Clarissa felt her own fiery

  temper erupt. Her eyes might not turn scary red, but she felt the heat of her anger burning.

  “You’ll let us go! We only came here because we’re desperate. As long as you’re not

  killing people and the donors are willing, I don’t care what you people do here. My husband is dying. I was desperate to save him. Tiffany isn’t at fault, we coerced her. She needs the money she makes here, and she’s not going around telling everyone in town. This was an extraordinary circumstance. None of us will say a word. Wipe our memories or something like in the movies

  and send us home. Oh, and she saw a client tonight, you owe her for him before you send us


  For a moment, Lord Drago stared at her in silence. Then a truly amused laugh bubbled up

  and he roared with amusement. Clarissa glared at him. He caught her eyes and she felt him trying to regain the strange eye contact from earlier, but she fought it.

  “Amazing and amusing,” he breathed. “This man who is dying, you love him?”

  “Of course, he’s my husband.”

  “No, I’m asking if you love him, not how he owns you.” He leaned forward, studying her


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  “No one owns me. Yes, I love him very much. He’s a good man, so good we’d all risk

  our lives to come here and try to save him. He’s my life. I’ll die without him.” Clarissa’s voice cracked as she sucked in a breath, managing not to sob.

  The vampire gave her a hard look. “Everyone is owned by something. Your love owns

  you, that one is owned by her need for money.” He pointed at Tiffany. “This one is owned by a need to return a life debt.” He pointed at Caren. “Everyone is owned, but not everyone is willing to die for that which owns them. I can see beyond words to truths, and I’m surprised you speak the truth. Very refreshing. I don’t see many mortals who still understand loyalty in this self-serving democratic world of yours. If I promised you blood, but ordered you to return to face your death, would you take it?”

  Clarissa flinched. He was offering her Matt’s life in exchange for hers. Can saving him

  really be so simple? She wanted to live, but without Matt, there wasn’t any point. He’d be there for the girls, she could accept death if she was sure he’d be all right.

  “If I see for myself that he’s recovered and it’s not some sort of a trick, yes I’d give my

  life to save his.”

  The vampire frowned at her for a moment. “What if I told you your death would be

  painful, brutal, and not quick, would you trade your life for my blood then? My blood is the

  strongest here.”

  She detected the smallest trace of pride in his tone. “Yes, if I see Matt recovers and hear

  the doctor tell me his cancer is in remission, I’d give you my life, willingly. I want to live, but without him my life is empty.”

  The vampire grunted. “Such love, it breaks my heart.”

  She didn’t like his sarcastic tone.

  “I’ve lived longer than you’d believe and I’ve not seen this kind of love in centuries.

  Your man must be truly amazing to inspire you to trade your existence for his.”

  “He’s worth it,” she told him with a clenched jaw. Clarissa was getting sick of the

  vampire toying with her. She wanted the cure, desperately.

  “Do you believe in fate, in rebirth?” The vampire’s voice was casual, but his eyes held

  hers with desperation.


  “A shame. Therefore, this will be the end for you. He lives and you’ll just…stop.”

  A Gift of the Darkest Magic


  “I guess. Please, promise me that my sister and friend can walk out of here alive and that

  you’ll give us the cure for Matt’s cancer. I’ll let you take me, eat me, do whatever to me, just give us the cure first.”

  The vampire lord laughed. Glaring, Clarissa refused to break eye contact. She was

  standing with death, showing weakness was futile now. Without warning, he was standing before her. She hadn’t seen him move. He tipped her face up and she saw the red flare in his eyes.

  Softly, he trailed a fingertip down her check. “Would you risk your loyalty to this man you’d risk your life for?”

  She frowned. “I don’t understand.”

  “It’s one thing to proclaim untested love, but do you believe your heart could remain true,

  even against magic?”

  “Yes. I believe that no matter what, I love my husband.”

  The vampire chuckled, and he gently ran the pad of his thumb over her lower lip. “So

  pretty,” he breathed. “And so foolish. You’ve amused me. That’s rare. I don’t enjoy

  much…variety in my day. I’ll clear the memories, wipe them as you say, for your sister and

  friend, but not you, sweet Clarissa. Take them away.” He waved his hand toward the door and

  the guards grabbed Caren and Tiffany by the arms.

  They screamed for her and she turned, watching them being dragged from the room with

  expressions of horror on their faces. The heavy door closed and she whirled around, alone with the vampire. He still stood in front of her. Then he was in his chair. She took a few steps in his direction and then stopped, uncertain of the new game he played.

  “This is no game,” he barked.

  Great, a mind reader. Super. That explains how he knew my name.

  He chuckled and she glared at him. The look only turned his chuckle into a laugh. “I’ve

  enjoyed this time and that is what has spared your friends’ lives. They’ll remember none of this, but you, sweet Clarissa, you must decide how much you are willing to give up to save your


  “Anything.” She breathed deeply.

  He smiled, but on his face, the look was menacing, not happy. He leaned forward in his

  chair. “A gift of my choosing in exchange for the dark gift of my blood, that’s how the magic works.”

  A Gift of the Darkest Magic


  “I thought it worked by me giving you some of my blood and you giving me yours.”

  He smiled. This time his eyes softened and some of the cruelty left his expression.

  “You’re asking me to cure an incurable disease. I have all the human blood I could possibly want to drink. I want something more valuable. You’ve shown courage, and you’ve shown loyalty. I’ll even give you my blood early, a token of trust. You’ll see the beginning of the magic, but the full power will not be unleashed until you’ve given me your gift. Is your love strong enough to

  accept this challenge?” He stared at her with amusement and curiosity.

  “If you promise you aren’t lying, I accept your terms. I’ll take your blood to the hospital,

  and if he improves, I’ll return to give you any gift you want, even my life.” She spat the last words as if they left a bad taste in her mouth.

  The vampire frowned at her. “I’ll send my car to take you to the hospital. When you’ve

  seen I’ve spoken the truth, return. You’ll arrive at my chamber below the club. I’ve never

  allowed a mortal there before. You remind me of someone I cherished long ago, before I

  evolved. This gift will involve your time. You will not be allowed to leave for a full day and a night.”

  The way he said ‘evolved’ made it clear he was referring to his change to vampire. She

  wondered if that was why he’d said something about reincarnation. She’d assumed he was trying to find out if her spiritual belief somehow diminished her sacrifice, but now she wondered if the motive had been very different.

  “I’ve never been reincarnated. You might be the mind reader, but I have ears. I have a job

  and kids. I can’t just drop my life for twenty-four hours.”

  “Yes, you can, if you want this to work.”

  “Okay, give me the blood.” She held out her hand.

  He looked at it, his eyes widening. “I must draw some from my veins, but first we must

  make a vow, it seals the magic. Come closer.”

  Cautiously, Clarissa approached him.

  “Hold out your hand,” he commanded.

  “Why?” Suspicion hung almost like a physical entity between them. Clarissa glared at


  He gave her a level look. She could see his amusement fading. “I demand a vow between

  us. Give me your hand. We seal our bargains with blood. Fear not, it will not cause you any

  A Gift of the Darkest Magic


  lasting harm, but the magic will bind because of the small sacrifice you make now. Come to me.”

  The way he said ‘come to me’ caused her a little shiver. There was something so

  seductive in his voice, she couldn’t help her reaction.

  “I’ll do this, anything, to save my husband, but I don’t think I’d make a very good

  vampire. I’d do it for Matt, but if there’s any other way—please.”

oking into her eyes for a moment he paused, then nodded. “Give me your hand,


  She held out her hand. He took it carefully and turned it so her palm faced the ceiling. He

  ran his fingertips gently over the exposed flesh and she stiffened. She looked into his unreadable expression. His face was a mask of something akin to pain.

  “I would not offer another human what I offer you. I will give you my very powerful,

  ancient blood to heal the one you love. You must give me the solemn promise that whatever I

  ask of you, you’ll willingly consent. You’ll leave here with my blood. When you’re satisfied he’s improving, you’ll return here immediately. Your thoughts must be honest. I’ll know them. I take a drop of your blood before I give you mine. When your gift is freely given, the magic will

  restore your husband’s health. Do you consent?”

  “I wish you’d just tell me what you want from me.”

  “Do you consent?”

  She nodded.

  “Not good enough, Clarissa. Do you consent?”

  “I consent.”

  He raised her fingers to his mouth and kissed them tenderly. Suddenly she felt a stabbing

  pain on her index finger.


  He drew the fingertip into his mouth and suckled. When he released her hand, she wiped

  her fingers on her pants immediately. Lord Drago sat back. He pulled something out of the

  drawer in the table next to his grand chair. She watched as he quickly drew a vial of blood and returned the syringe to the case and replaced it in the drawer.

  “This is my gift of dark magic. When you return, I expect you ready and willing to give

  your gift to me.” He smiled without joy. “What I ask of you is more precious than blood, I ask for emotion. It’s been so long since I’ve felt anything.”

  A Gift of the Darkest Magic


  Clarissa stood awkwardly holding the syringe. “How do I use your blood correctly?”

  He sighed, as if she should’ve known the answer to the question without asking. “You